My Writing Week 2(24)

Hi all,

I have a progressively worsening cold or flu, so I didn’t do much editing or reading last week. One thing I did do was mess around with the blog application on myspace. I can now cut and paste word documents into it without it destroying their formatting, so I hopefully won’t have any more big posts go missing before I send them.

I critiqued a potentially great story for critters. It had three unforeseen twists, I am not normally one for stories with twists as I find many of them predictable and full of contrived or boring setup. I did point out a few style and writing problems with it though, like telling instead of showing, the overuse of was, and lots of sentences that needed to be tightened up. I hope the writer rewrites it and converts it into that great story.

Sad to hear that David Eddings died, I was one of the millions who read The Belgariad series.

Time to cough, blow the nose and moan about my health.


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