My writing week (4) 25

Hi all,

I eventually had a better week last week after a woeful start. I even did some writing towards the end of the week too, starting a new short-story. I am determined that it will be a short story and not turn into a novella or novel. I got the idea for the story when I saw a rainbow (awww shucks).

I am over my cold, yaaaa, so last Wednesday I went for my first swim in 27 days. My pent up annoyance with life must have had something to do with me swimming my best time this year. I find swimming a great stress reliever. I saw the rainbow on the way back from the pool on Friday.

I seemed to have fixed my internet link by replacing the aging cable from computer to phone socket and the filter/splitter. My link to the ISP has not dropped out since.

And Divine magazine has accepted two more article ideas I have, more about them in future posts.

But my sister’s graft to fix brain fluid leaking down her nose seems to have failed over the weekend. Her surgeon has not seen her since bleeding started on the weekend. She had been trying to arrange to be transported back to a Wodonga hospital, but that seems unlikely now.

Different Points Of View

I am reading Stephen King’s Under the Dome. When I started reading it, its distant omnipresent POV really surprised, even disturbed me. Most of the other books I have been reading lately have had a first person POV or a close third person. But it only took a couple of chapters to get into his distant POV.

When I write, I often think I am subconsciously influenced by what I am reading. So it was no surprise that I started writing the rainbow short story with a very distant POV, without even thinking about what POV to use. But a very distant point of view does suit the story I want to write. I don’t want the reader knowing, other than by interpreting his actions and comments, what is going on in the mind of the main character.

Future of Reading

I was reading an article in the Age about children in the digital age which said “the report found that even in an era of widespread electronic-screen exposure, print remained a constant in children’s media diets, although it varied dramatically according to age. About 90 percent of children aged 5-9 spend about an hour each day either reading books to themselves or having them read to them by adults.” So coming generations might not hasten the demise of the print book as much as I have been thinking they will.


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