Month: June 2009

My writing week 2(26)

Hi all, My writing/editing/reading/critiquing output failed to increase much last week, even though I had overcome the flu and conjunctivitis, as I spent most of

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My writing week 2(25)

Hi all, Conjunctivitis is not the greatest thing for a writer to catch. It’s a virus that irritates the eyes, and the ointments and drops

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My Writing Week 2(24)

Hi all, I have a progressively worsening cold or flu, so I didn’t do much editing or reading last week. One thing I did do

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Stupid myspace

Hi all, Remain calm Graham, it is not the end of the world. I just spent about an hour writing a beautiful post about the

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My writing week 2(23)

Hi all, It’s amazing how a three day trip to Melbourne for the Emerging Writer’s Festival lead to such a huge backlog of things I

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My Writing Week 2(22)

Hi all, I spent the weekend at the Emerging Writer’s Festival in Melbourne, going to nine panel discussions of varying quality, some were better than

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