Fiction Writing

Novel Writing

I am working on the third draft of Branded. It is one of five novel-length manuscripts that I have completed to at least the first draft stage. 


 A group of teenagers wake up in a futuristic medical facility. They have no idea how they got there or why. Once they escape from their cell, they discover other cells, some with dead teenagers inside. But there are no doctors, nurses, scientists, or guards. There aren’t even any phones or computers to use to contact help. Where is everyone?

I’ll Just Watch it on YouTube

Jim is a young journo on a trip to see Kakadu National Park before it’s completely inundated by the sea. Set in 2060, Jim sets out from his home in Albury and travels through the drought-devastated inland. Outside of Parkes, he comes upon an SUV parked on the side of the road with the driver’s door wide open. He can’t see its driver so he stops to investigate. Events that follow lead him to witness the most significant events in human history.

Jack Logan Astronaut

Jack is suicidal. He ran when he could have saved a girl, and now everyone blames him for her being in a coma. He decides to end his life by jumping off a cliff. Instead of dying, he wakes up on a spaceship 300 years later. The crew had salvaged his body from a cryo-pod they had found floating among the wreckage of an alien spacecraft. They are on a mission to investigate an alien radio signal.

Stalking Tigers

A scientist is terraforming a planet hundreds of light-years from Earth. He wakes from a decade-long cryo-sleep and is informed by his AI that another human has crash-landed onto his planet. She has no working communications, and refuses to talk to a probe he sends down to her. He has to travel to her camp to investigate. He soon wishes he hadn’t.

I also recently completed the first draft of a sequel to Branded.  

It seems I like my main characters waking up into the action. In two of them, they have no idea how they ended up there, but in the third, Stalking Tigers, the scientist deliberately entered cryo sleep as he waited for the results of terraforming he had put into action. 

Short stories

The Real – Honest to Goodness – True Story of Ned Kelly. (As Related by a Remote Viewer).

What would you do if you could go back in time and inhabit Ned Kelly’s mind? Probably not what scientist Pissedoff Pigsarse does. 

It’s a science fiction time-travelling farce.

Further short stories to be added shortly.

National Novel Writing Month

November each year is National Novel Writing Month. During that month, participants try to write 50,000 words of a novel. I have completed the challenge four times: 2011, 2012, 2014, and 2023. 

I found it easiest to complete in 2023 when I wrote much of the sequel to Branded. As it was a sequel, I had already done most of the character profiles, world-building, and research.

I highly recommend NaNoWriMo if you are seeking motivation to write. An increased enthusiasm for writing usually persists after the event.   

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