Too busy studying to post

poster for Westworld seriesI thought I better post something to prove I am still alive. I have been so busy studying that I have not had time to regularly post on my blog.  In fact, I am feeling guilty as hell that I am writing this and not taking notes for one of my subjects.

My course did not stop even for Christmas. I had an online quiz to complete by the end of Christmas Day, and I got the results when it ticked over into Boxing Day.

I am currently doing News and Politics, a journalism subject, through Griffith Uni and Critical Thinking at Macquarie. I am doing well in the latter. For the former, I worry that my latest assignment wasn’t very good.

I did not have an end-of-year “best of” science fiction for last year as it would not have been very comprehensive. I hardly saw any films and I only finished reading one novel. It was a pretty average year for science fiction movies anyway, with Arrival probably being the pick of the bunch. I think the very ordinary last Star Trek movie might end the franchise for a while.

I watched a bit of small-screen science fiction. Westworld was easily the best, with immense production values, multiple plot lines and a Sixth Sense type of revelation at the end of series one. I am surprised more people are not talking about it because, to me, it is science fiction of Battlestar Galactica quality. Other series I enjoyed were Class, Dark Matter, Killjoys, Orphan Black, Wayward Pines, and Mars (a very good doco-drama).

I did very little writing last year, just a few minutes of writing on nearly every day so I could continue to call myself a writer. Currently, I am about a third of the way through the second draft of a novel manuscript, Branded.

So far this year my writing and reading has failed to pick up. Perhaps one day I will write for an hour or so, and that night I will pick up a book and read for half an hour, and then do the same the next day, and the next, until it becomes a habit.

3 Responses

  1. Hard to write and read for pleasure when you're immersed in academic study. You're doing well to put time into it. BTW cool blog!

  2. Good to see you back Graham. Your study sounds intense. I'm sure you'll get back into your normal swing of things in time.I've started Westworld, thanks for the reminder.Agreed Arrival was pretty great and Star Trek average.I really enjoyed Rouge One as well.Hope the assignments go well.Cheers

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