Indigenous Writing

Indigenous Writing.
few months ago I wrote a post about the lack of indigenous characters in Australian
fiction. I determined then to read more novels with Indigenous Australians in
them that were hopefully written by Indigenous Australians. I have just finished
Peter Docker’s The Waterboys. Peter
Docker is not an Indigenous Australia, but according to notes in the book he
had a lot of help from Indigenous Australians in writing the novel and he grew
up on a station near Esperance in WA.
main character in the Waterboys is not Indigenous Australian, but he has
adopted their culture. His best mate and second main character is an Indigenous
Australian, and so are many of the other characters.
novel is an alternative history, where only the eastern states of Australia have
been colonised. The reason WA was not colonised is that Captain Freemantle fell
in love with the indigenous culture and decided he did not want it to be devastated
by English rule.
the world has really suffered from environmental degradation like global
warming, and the water deprived south-eastern Australians invade, the
Indigenous Australians fight them.
novel really got me thinking about the indigenous mind-set. I think it has
helped me to understand their love of country and why being colonised has so
damaged them. I really felt angry during a scene when Lieutenant-Governor
Stirling announces to the assembled Indigenous Australians that they are now
British subjects. What absolute arrogance. There was nothing at all beneficial
for the Indigenous Australians in becoming British subjects.
novel left me wanting to read more about Captain Freemantle and the actual history
of WA.
I am reading Blood a novel written
by part-Indigenous Australian Tony Birch.   
DiVine Writing.
have a new article on DiVine about how dependent I am on the internet.  It’s another personal article and I am concerned
I am becoming too self-referential. The previous DiVine editor said readers
prefer personal articles: they want to hear about people with disabilities
living with their disability. But I wonder if people will start to think I am narcissistic.
the twenty-four articles I have written for DiVine, nine have been about my
personal experiences. But of those nine articles two were written to inform
people about how I overcame health issues which affect many people. One was on
how effective and painless cataract surgery is and the other more recent one
was on navigating the public dental system. I hoped showing my personal
experience would benefit people in a similar situation.
of the personal articles were about my father’s dementia. I wrote them to help
other people who have a family member with dementia realise that it’s not their
fault that the dementia suffer is so difficult to live with and they shouldn’t
feel like they have betrayed them when they place them in a nursing home.
personal article showed the pros and cons of studying online for people with
disabilities. An article about me hiding my ulcerative colitis was meant to
resonate with those who also attempt to hide their disabilities. 
article about my love of science fiction came after the editor suggested we all
write articles about who we are. I also wrote an article on why I love
gardening, partly in response to a previous article written by a DiVine writer
on why they hated gardening. 
in the future I hope to write less about my own experiences and more about the
experiences of others. A bit like this blog: in the beginning it was
predominately about me, but I have gradually changed it to be more about what
is happening in the writing world.
next article for DiVine is totally non-personal. It is about media guidelines
for portraying people with a disability.

0 Responses

  1. The Waterboys sounds pretty good. Great idea. It's a pity the world embraces the frivolous while bold ideas such as this one go unnoticed.
    I should jot these down for Christmas presents – and requests for me.. 😉
    Perhaps a late year list or two would be helpful?

    Your articles and your blog are always very professional.
    Sorry to hear about your father. I think I missed that post. That must have been very difficult. A growing issue for all Australians.

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