have created a sensory vest that allows readers to feel what a book’s protagonist
is experiencing. The vest contains a heartbeat and shiver stimulator, a body
compression system, temperature controls and sound. It has some of the elements
I imagine virtual reality suits will eventually have.
“Changes in the protagonist’s
emotional or physical state trigger discrete feedback in the wearable [vest],
whether by changing the heartbeat rate, creating constriction through air
pressure bags, or causing localised temperature fluctuations,” the engineers
told the Guardian newspaper.
The Girl Who Was Plugged In.
The engineers seemed to have
used a very appropriate book for their prototype in James Tiptree Jr’s novella The Girl Who Was Plugged in. In that novella, the protagonist is
deformed by pituitary dystrophy and experiences life through an avatar. The protagonist
feels “both deep love and ultimate despair, the freedom of Barcelona
sunshine and the captivity of a dark damp cellar”, said the engineers.
the vest heats up when the protagonist is in the sunshine, and causes the
wearer to shiver when the protagonist is in the cellar. The vest would probably
increase the heart rate of the wearer when they are falling in love.
No to the
the publishing industry are not impressed with the sensory vest. Science
fiction author Adam Roberts told the Guardian that he found the “idea of ‘sensory”
fiction ‘amazing’, but also ‘infantilising, like reverting to those sorts of
books we buy for toddlers that have buttons in them to generate relevant sound
editor on the NPR
blog quipped that “If
these device things are helping ‘put you there,’ it just means the writing
won’t have to be as good.” A bit like 3D movies were some film makers seem
to think the plot’s primarily function is to enable lots of opportunities for distracting
objects to jump out from the screen, rather than tell a logical and compelling
Just a Gimmick.
Assuming a vest could be constructed
that was easy to put on and comfortable to wear lying down or in a chair, would
sensory book vests take off? Most probably the vests would just be a gimmick from which people quickly
tire, like many people have tired of 3D movies.
I can see the vests might
have a market for use when watching television: they could increase your heart
rate every time a commercial came on. And sensory elements like heart rate and
temperature will most probably be a future aspect of virtual reality suits. But
I don’t think adults will be wearing vests while reading in the future.
Reading is all about being
immersed in a story created by your imagination’s reaction to the author’s words.
Children might take to the vests when reading, but I suspect they will quickly
turn to more immersive virtual reality. And who knows what limiting effects the
vest might have on a child’s imagination and ability to feel.
I don’t expect Amazon to be knocking
on the door of the inventors of the sensory vest for books.
0 Responses
This kind of stuff is typical of MIT. I'd love to know what the hit to miss ratio is on their output – approaching zero would be my guess. On the other hand, their publicity department is absolutely world class.
LOL Graham. So it might pay to be a writer at MIT, to take advantage of that world class publicity.
Fascinating.. but then again, virtual reality never really took off.. remember those helmet games?
Now if it were to develop over time, it could be interesting. I think that eventually all of these worlds will merge, where by we will 'visit' holographic worlds where we can interact with 3D humans etc, a bit like the Holo Deck in Next Generation, perhaps wearing some sort of suit, so that we can feel sensations.
Pretty soon we wont have to leave the house or actually interact with 'real' people at all.
I never tried those virtual reality helmet games when they were in shopping centres, did not want to look like a dick waving my arms around. But from what I was hearing on the radio the other day, I think a next generation version of virtual reality is about to take off. I expect it to be a dominant form of entertainment within the next decade, that's why I think any attempt at sensory vests for books, will be quickly overtaken by virtual reality. The holodecks are a lot further away, I only see them working with very sophisticated nanoswarms that can instantly create the infrastructure of the virtual scenes someone is seeing, ie, if you see a seat, the nanoswarm creates the framework of a seat for you to sit on. I have always been fascinated by how the holo decks would work.