Novellas on the Rise
few days ago I read an article in the Age that boldly declared the novella was back, due to the advent of the
ebook. Not the most insightful declaration because most writers would already be
thinking about putting any novella they couldn’t find a publishing home for out
as a self-published ebook (sorry I refuse to say independent published – see
next week’s post for why).
few days ago I read an article in the Age that boldly declared the novella was back, due to the advent of the
ebook. Not the most insightful declaration because most writers would already be
thinking about putting any novella they couldn’t find a publishing home for out
as a self-published ebook (sorry I refuse to say independent published – see
next week’s post for why).
the AGE article talked about a collection of novellas a publisher was about to
release. The stories had to be around 25,000 words. One writer they interviewed
for the article said they found it difficult to write something of that length.
This amused me because I think it is ridiculous to try to write a story to a
particular word count. To me a story goes as long as it needs to go. That’s why
the novel I am writing is currently 156,000 words.
the AGE article talked about a collection of novellas a publisher was about to
release. The stories had to be around 25,000 words. One writer they interviewed
for the article said they found it difficult to write something of that length.
This amused me because I think it is ridiculous to try to write a story to a
particular word count. To me a story goes as long as it needs to go. That’s why
the novel I am writing is currently 156,000 words.
magazines and anthologies put miniscule maximum word counts on stories, like
5,000 words. In the genre of speculative fiction I find 5,000 words is not
enough space to build a world in. Usually after reading a 5,000 word science
fiction story I am left thinking whoopee, because nothing of any great insight happened.
When I am critiquing short stories under 5,000 words I usually end up
scribbling “more detail please” at least half a dozen times.
magazines and anthologies put miniscule maximum word counts on stories, like
5,000 words. In the genre of speculative fiction I find 5,000 words is not
enough space to build a world in. Usually after reading a 5,000 word science
fiction story I am left thinking whoopee, because nothing of any great insight happened.
When I am critiquing short stories under 5,000 words I usually end up
scribbling “more detail please” at least half a dozen times.
favourite anthology of “short stories” is The Locus Awards – Thirty Years of the Best
in Fantasy and Science Fiction edited by Jonathon Strahan and Charles
N. Brown. Its 674 pages contain only 18 stories – most of them novella length.
Similarly the last really good collection of short stories I read was George
Turner’s A Pursuit of Miracles which had only eight stories in its 200
favourite anthology of “short stories” is The Locus Awards – Thirty Years of the Best
in Fantasy and Science Fiction edited by Jonathon Strahan and Charles
N. Brown. Its 674 pages contain only 18 stories – most of them novella length.
Similarly the last really good collection of short stories I read was George
Turner’s A Pursuit of Miracles which had only eight stories in its 200
How Long is a
reading the AGE article, I wondered how many words are in a novella. The Nebula
awards reckon a novella is between 17,500 and 40,000 words. So a long short
story I recently wrote would just sneak in. According to Wikipedia a novella
can be anything from a small 10,000 to a whopping 70,000 words. After having a
look around the web, Wikipedia seems to be correct with their wide word count range
for a novella. So basically a novella is anything too big to be considered a
short story and too small to be considered a novel.
reading the AGE article, I wondered how many words are in a novella. The Nebula
awards reckon a novella is between 17,500 and 40,000 words. So a long short
story I recently wrote would just sneak in. According to Wikipedia a novella
can be anything from a small 10,000 to a whopping 70,000 words. After having a
look around the web, Wikipedia seems to be correct with their wide word count range
for a novella. So basically a novella is anything too big to be considered a
short story and too small to be considered a novel.
pointed out in the AGE article, there have been lots of great novellas
published. Two I can think of are Camp Concentration by Thomas M.Disch
and The
Road by Cormac McCarthy (which by my calculations is about 60,000
pointed out in the AGE article, there have been lots of great novellas
published. Two I can think of are Camp Concentration by Thomas M.Disch
and The
Road by Cormac McCarthy (which by my calculations is about 60,000
about a novelette? According to Wikipedia a novelette is 7,500 to 17,500 words
long. Something I would have just called
a long short story. But I think all those publishers of short story collections
should change to novelette and novella collections. Then, as a reader, I might get
more into a story that actually explores a theme and where the concepts of good
and evil drown in the shadows of a fully realised story.
about a novelette? According to Wikipedia a novelette is 7,500 to 17,500 words
long. Something I would have just called
a long short story. But I think all those publishers of short story collections
should change to novelette and novella collections. Then, as a reader, I might get
more into a story that actually explores a theme and where the concepts of good
and evil drown in the shadows of a fully realised story.
for writing to a particular word count, forget it. I’ll probably end up either
leaving out a great deal of necessary detail and writing about nothing much, or
padding the story out and swamping its great themes and ideas in trivia. Write
until the story comes to its natural conclusion I say. So if a story is too
long to be accepted by some magazine full of underdone short-stories, then two
bad. And if it is too short to be accepted as a novel by some mindless word-counter
at a publishing house, I’ll consider self-publishing it as a novella.
for writing to a particular word count, forget it. I’ll probably end up either
leaving out a great deal of necessary detail and writing about nothing much, or
padding the story out and swamping its great themes and ideas in trivia. Write
until the story comes to its natural conclusion I say. So if a story is too
long to be accepted by some magazine full of underdone short-stories, then two
bad. And if it is too short to be accepted as a novel by some mindless word-counter
at a publishing house, I’ll consider self-publishing it as a novella.
Post Views: 60
0 Responses
Well, you know me, the novella King! lol Been saying it for ages, but of course, now that the AGE has said it… well, it must be true.
Still, suprisingly few markets for novellas.
As for self-publishing, I still think it's tough to get any decent sales.
Anyway, congrats on the novel. Sounds massive. Maybe yr writing a trilogy and just dont know it?
Hi Anthony,
Unfortunately I can't see any way to cut it into two or more books. The first third is build up, most of it needed to establish the characters and where the main character is at – will/has he changed or will change have to be forced on him? Probably the first part could be seen as his journey to the point where he has to change.
The second part sees him undergoing change partly due to life threatening circumstances, but he still has to make the choices.
In the third part, technology intervenes and he finds himself drastically changed and working against that technology and further change. The nature of the story makes it hard for things to happen quickly.
I was thinking I could cut a bit out of the second part as it is in many ways circular in plot. But within that plot the character begins to change and other characters attitude towards the POV character change – some positive some negative. So I can't cut a lot.
So I will have to try to cut from the build up in the first part where we wonder what the hell happened to the main character, what's his big secret? And what has it got to do with where they are going?
I reckon I will be cutting a bit of dialogue and just paraphrase what was said. But it is still going to be big.