I recently read a blog post titled A
Scientific Guide to Posting Tweets, Facebook Posts, Emails and Blog Posts at
the Best Times, by Belle Beth
Cooper. The post had me thinking about the random nature of my blog posts. I
have been trying to post once a week. For a while that used to be on Monday,
but as my posts began to require more research it slipped to later in the week,
with a few last desperate attempts on Sundays.
Scientific Guide to Posting Tweets, Facebook Posts, Emails and Blog Posts at
the Best Times, by Belle Beth
Cooper. The post had me thinking about the random nature of my blog posts. I
have been trying to post once a week. For a while that used to be on Monday,
but as my posts began to require more research it slipped to later in the week,
with a few last desperate attempts on Sundays.
I had not really noticed if the day or time I posted affected
the amount of views or comments. I was thinking the number of views or comments
had more to do with the topic of the post. Like if I reviewed a current film or
talked about television science-fiction I usually get more hits and comments
than when I review a book. When I write about ebook sales, the number of
comments seems to increase too.
the amount of views or comments. I was thinking the number of views or comments
had more to do with the topic of the post. Like if I reviewed a current film or
talked about television science-fiction I usually get more hits and comments
than when I review a book. When I write about ebook sales, the number of
comments seems to increase too.
But what other factors affect the number of views or
comments on my posts. One factor that seems to limit comments is the perceived difficulty
of making comments on Blogger due to the authentication process. But having
being inundated by spam when I remove it, I’ve decided to keep it on. Another
factor that might affect the number of views my blog gets is the time I post.
comments on my posts. One factor that seems to limit comments is the perceived difficulty
of making comments on Blogger due to the authentication process. But having
being inundated by spam when I remove it, I’ve decided to keep it on. Another
factor that might affect the number of views my blog gets is the time I post.
Best Time to Post.
According to Cooper’s post, 70% of people read blogs in
the morning. My blog is aimed at readers and writers of science-fiction, and a fair
few of my social media connections are writers. I can imagine many of those
writers being procrastinators, like me, so they would probably read blogs in
the morning.
the morning. My blog is aimed at readers and writers of science-fiction, and a fair
few of my social media connections are writers. I can imagine many of those
writers being procrastinators, like me, so they would probably read blogs in
the morning.
Cooper’s post says Monday is the highest traffic day,
with 11am being the highest traffic hour. But she warns that if a lot of blogs
post at this time, a post is more likely to be lost in the noise.
with 11am being the highest traffic hour. But she warns that if a lot of blogs
post at this time, a post is more likely to be lost in the noise.
Cooper’s research also shows that comments are usually
highest on Saturdays and around 9 am on most days.
highest on Saturdays and around 9 am on most days.
I had a look at my stats for Blogger over the past month.
My traffic is greatest on the day I post and the day after. No other day stood
out. There is no real pattern. My posting time varied from morning to evening
too, and I have not noticed the time of day I post having any effect on views.
My comments also seem to be highest on the day after I post.
My traffic is greatest on the day I post and the day after. No other day stood
out. There is no real pattern. My posting time varied from morning to evening
too, and I have not noticed the time of day I post having any effect on views.
My comments also seem to be highest on the day after I post.
Plugging a Post.
I plug my posts on Facebook and Twitter and in a few
other places. According to Cooper’s research, 18% more people engage with
Facebook on Thursdays and Fridays. Friday is one day when I seem to get more
comments on my status updates. Early afternoon is supposedly the best time to
other places. According to Cooper’s research, 18% more people engage with
Facebook on Thursdays and Fridays. Friday is one day when I seem to get more
comments on my status updates. Early afternoon is supposedly the best time to
Cooper’s research also found evidence that 32% more
people engage with Facebook on the weekends. I would have to disagree with this
as Facebook is definitely quieter for me on weekends. Perhaps many of my writer
friends are following the traditional alcoholism path, so they are too hung-over
to engage with Facebook on the weekends.
people engage with Facebook on the weekends. I would have to disagree with this
as Facebook is definitely quieter for me on weekends. Perhaps many of my writer
friends are following the traditional alcoholism path, so they are too hung-over
to engage with Facebook on the weekends.
The blog post says that getting other users to engage in
a discussion after dinner on Facebook is a long shot.
a discussion after dinner on Facebook is a long shot.
I tweet, but not very much. I generally only use it to
plug a blog post or article I have up on the Divine website. I view Twitter as a platform where the
majority of users are just plugging something.
plug a blog post or article I have up on the Divine website. I view Twitter as a platform where the
majority of users are just plugging something.
So when is the best time to plug something on Twitter? According
to Cooper’s post, many people are using their mobiles to access Twitter when
they commute. So the best time to get a tweet noticed would probably be 7.30 am
to 9.00 am or 5 pm to 6.30 pm.
to Cooper’s post, many people are using their mobiles to access Twitter when
they commute. So the best time to get a tweet noticed would probably be 7.30 am
to 9.00 am or 5 pm to 6.30 pm.
If I want to increase my blog traffic it seems I should
be posting on Mondays at 11 am while plugging that post on Facebook on Friday
afternoons and on Twitter during commute times.
be posting on Mondays at 11 am while plugging that post on Facebook on Friday
afternoons and on Twitter during commute times.
So when do you read blogs? And when do you engage most
with Facebook? And if you bother with Twitter, when do you make time to follow links
in tweets?
with Facebook? And if you bother with Twitter, when do you make time to follow links
in tweets?
Post Views: 118
0 Responses
Interesting. Like you I've found the numbers increase or decrease according to title. A post entitled H.E.M.P. about the Senate rerun election scores frequent views but no comments. I suspect there are a lot of disappointed viewers who think it's about something quite different.
I've kept the authentication process for the same reason as you but people have told me it puts them off commenting. I just got tired of having to wade through porn sites and ads so it's staying for now.
Regarding your questions, I read a few blogs first thing in the morning and the same with Facebook although I usually do another run through of FB later in the day too, mostly because I play Scrabble there. Twitter leaves me cold. I don't even have an account.
I'm with Helen. I dont have time for Twitter. Nor am I interested. There's enough online crap talk as it is.
Like you I try to post once a week but dont keep to any fixed schedule. I also find topic determines comments and views. How can someone truly monitor this stuff? Surely she was only referring to her own work.
Sure most people log on in the morning and do a catch up so a morning is a good time for people. I must fall into the 30% because I catch up when I have time. I like to go with an inclination rather than habit. But yr post was interesting and got me thinking.
I often think of ways to get more views, but I dont want to go the way of most blogs, even if they do get more views. Follow your own path I say and blessed are those that follow. To hell with the rest lol
Anthony, the link at the top of the post takes you to her post where she has surveyed a number of articles on the subject. I am starting to wonder if blogs are going the way of emails for a lot of people, too much to read. I, like you and Helen, really wonder whether twitter is of any use. I know of one person who swears by it though.
Helen, based on your increased hits for having a post titled HEMP, I just went and had a look at the hits on my previous post, which was on medical cannabis, hoping they stats would be huge, but they are only average for my blog.