Caged Without Walls – A Review of Anthony J. Langford’s Poetry Collection.

Caged without Walls is such an appropriate name for this
collection of poetry. The poems invite the reader to escape from their fears.
Anthony J
Langford writes poems about people who have doubts, and who make mistakes and have regrets. They poems are for people who question their
existence and want to achieve something rather than just survive.
Langford writes
about life as he sees it. His honest words create poems with a real  authenticity. But he’s not one to try and pull
at the heart strings. He’s more concerned with getting readers to examine their
His writing
should evoke a response from most readers. Few of his poems are written with
obscure meanings that only the most determined re-reader might eventually find.
His poems are like having a conversation with him about what is really going on
in your lives.   
Most of
the poems have at least a few stanzas or phrases that will cause a reader to
pause and marvel at Anthony’s use of language. Here’s
an example:
Here But Not Right Now.
Don’t lose track
If you were ever on it.
And now that you’ve questioned
You start to wonder…
I had a plan
I thought I was on the right path
But now I’m not so sure.
It’s not that I’m not trying
I am
I’m a determined person (I’m
Yet somehow
The edges are rough
The confidence is off-centre
Something doesn’t feel right.
And the future has never seemed
Yet now,
Never so uncertain…
I’ve got a problem
And I don’t know what it is.
I’d ask someone
If I could trust them
How Can I?
When I can’t trust myself.
I’d ask the right questions
If I knew any
I’m tired of guessing
I’m bloated with doubt
And I’ve never felt
So unsure
Of myself.
They think I’m green
When I’m only feeling blue
I sometimes speak in tongues
But I can’t understand a word
So why do they think they do?
Is it they who are lying?
Or am I not telling the truth?
When it’s all over
I’m sure I’ll have barely begun
And it’s back to the start
When I’ve already reached the end.
A few other
poems from Caged Without Walls are on
Anthony J Langford’s blog, as well as some of his other work including video
poems. Nearly every week Anthony has a new poem published on the web or in
print somewhere in the world. He has also written an excellent novella, Bottomless River.
without walls is an immersive collection of poems that will have readers
examining their live as they welcome the news that they are not alone in their
doubts and regrets.

0 Responses

  1. Doubts, regret… ah youve nailed it.

    It's so insightful to hear the views of another. I know you're not that big on poetry which means even more that you've created this post, and taken the time to review it… and that some of the poems were accessible… as that has always been the aim for me. Converse with people. Keep it real. Cryptic poetry has its place.. but for me, after one or two I'm done.

    Elitism is for elitists and elitists are wankers. Too many in this country unfortunately.

    Thank you Graham. Sincerely. You've been a tremendous support to me and I'll never forget it.

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