I have a gift for those who read this blog: a Christmas anthology containing a fantasy story written by me. I have just fixed the epub and pdf file links, as they did not appear to be working.
It has a diverse range of stories written by writers from the Australian Writers’ Forum.
Merry Christmas.
Post Views: 68
2 Responses
What a unique story! Your writing style is very good, easy to follow. I liked your world building. I was perhaps a little confused at times, but that kept me pushing on, wanting to find out what was going on. My only criticism and its not a big one is that I found it a bit long, even though there was a lot going on. But I liked the Christmas aspect and the ending of course. Very interesting, original and creative. Congratulations!
Great to read something of yours!
Thanks Anthony. I am glad you successfully downloaded it. I had never used the service I put it on before. After writing in first person for a over a year, I found it hard to go back to writing in third person for the story. I reckon the story would have flowed more if I was in third person mode before I started writing it. The first draft was around 9200 words so I did manage to cut it down. Oh, and when I read it again, I saw changes I would make. Interestingly, I have another story written from the point of view of a dog, a golden retriever, owned by a scientist, and on a similar theme, but set in Australia.