The Ten Best Apocalyptic Novels I Have Read.

I finished reading Justin Cronin’s apocalyptic vampire novel The Passage a week ago. It is a brilliant novel in both the way it is written and the story. Cronin introduces dozens of characters, each with individual fears and problems that make them easy to empathise with. The Passage is one of the best adventure epics I have read. I thought it was close to the best apocalyptic fiction I have read. To try and decide if it is the best, I went through my bookshelves and found dozens of apocalyptic novels to compare it to.

I define apocalyptic fiction as any story set during the collapse of a civilisation and/or the stories of the survivors in the years after that collapse. Some novels on my shelves had civilisation slowly in decline, not so much a collapse, so I did not include them. This meant my all-time favourite science fiction novel, The Sea and Summer, by George Turner, missed out.

After much consideration, here is a list of the top ten apocalyptic novels I have read:

  1. The Passage, Justin Cronin
  2. The Year of the Flood, Margaret Atwood
  3. The Road, Cormac McCarthy
  4. Oryx and Crake, Margaret Atwood
  5. The Genesis of Shannara trilogy, Terry Brooks
  6. Things We Didn’t See Coming, Steven Amsterdam
  7. The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood
  8. Warday and the Journey Onward, Whitley Strieber and James Kunetka
  9. Graffiti, Peter Van Greenaway
  10. Earth Abides, George R Stewart.


Five of the novels are written by “literary” writers: Margaret Atwood, Cormac McCarthy and Steve Amsterdam. I am a bit of a fan of Margaret Atwood. Justin Cronin claimed to be a non-genre writer before he wrote The Passage. Steve Amsterdam Is the only Australian on the list.

The books made the list for different reasons. The Road for its bleak atmosphere, the boy and man only have the next day’s struggle to look forward to. It’s keep moving or die.

The Genesis of Shannara is written for young adults, and its theme could leave them thinking that they better be prepared to live in a world destroyed by their parents. Brooks might not be the greatest writer, but he can tell an engrossing tale that kept me wondering if the main characters would survive for three books.

I loved the way Things We Didn’t See Coming is divided into eight or so self-contained short stories. Steve Amsterdam does a brilliant job of imagining the life of a person born just before the year 2000, coping with future dramatic environmental shifts. The novel sure lives up to its name because its stories constantly surprised me.

Warday is written like a diary and gives an account of what happens when EMP pulses from a limited nuclear attack send the US back into the Stone Age. It shows in grim detail the decline of the US.

Graffiti has a great concept; the history of the world after a nuclear war is written on the walls of a hotel. So much for ebooks being the future.

Margaret Atwood’s novels are so well written. Her words are seamlessly put together; there are no attempts at cleverness that throw me out of some other writers’ writing. She writes how she imagines characters would behave when civilisation is collapsing or collapsed, not how she would hope they would act. The Year of the Flood is a prequel to Oryx and Crake.

And Earth Abides was probably the first apocalyptic novel I read. It shows attempts to re-establish civilisation that are stalling.

Cause of the Apocalypse

What did these writers imagine destroyed civilisation?

  1. The Passage– genetically engineered vampires
  2. The Year of the Flood– a virus
  3. The Road– nuclear war
  4. Oryx and Crake– a virus
  5. The Genesis of Shannara– pollution, genetically engineered mutants, and demons
  6. Things We Didn’t See Coming– climate change
  7. The Handmaid’s Tale– pollution and biological warfare
  8. Warday– nuclear war
  9. Graffiti– nuclear war
  10. Earth Abides– a virus.


I will probably read Stephen King’s The Stand one day. King’s Under The Dome just failed to make the list. I also must read the classics War of the Worlds and Day of the Triffids. And I am still yet to delve into apocalyptic zombie novels.

What’s your favourite apocalyptic novel?

3 Responses

  1. I'm not into vampires or zombies anymore, because of the overkill, but it does sound good.May have to give Atwood a go.I've read The Road and found it very good. And still keen to track down your favourite Sci-fi novel.I read so much sci-fi as a teenager I can't remember them all. I did read The Stand and found it pretty amazing, in true King fashion. May seem a little dated now.I also read Triffids back then and also I am Legend. Both I enjoyed. I read a book about the world being forced to turn gay so that the population issue could be addressed. It may sound absurd but it was written back in the early 60's I think, but Anthony Burgess (Clockwork Orange) and it was really a great read.I really wish I had time to read more.

  2. Hi Anthony.

    I have been wanting to read I am Legend – In fact I went looking for the ebook version of it one day but I could not find it. I enjoyed the Omega Man version of it as a film more than the remake with Will Smith.

    A bit of the problem with reading Stephen King's backlist is that I usually have already seen the film – I enjoyed watching Rob Lowe in a mini series of The Stand, so I probably wouldn't be able to get him out of my head when reading the novel.

    I will have to look out for that Anthony Burgess book.

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